Taxpayer-Funded Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reportedly Seeks Access to Parallel Universe


Scientists at the taxpayer-funded Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee are reportedly using public resources to open a portal to a parallel universe.

This, according to this week’s New York Post which said scientists in Oak Ridge hope to find a world identical to ours.

“Leah Broussard, the physicist leading the experiment, told NBC the plan is ‘pretty wacky’ but will ‘totally change the game,’ ahead of a series of experiments she plans to run this summer.”

“Broussard’s experiment will fire a beam of subatomic particles down a 50-foot tunnel. The beam will pass a powerful magnet and hit an impenetrable wall, with a neutron detector behind it. If the experiment is successful, particles will transform into mirror images of themselves, allowing them to burrow right through the impenetrable wall,” according to The New York Post.

“This would prove that the visible universe is only half of what is out there, Broussard said, but she also admitted that she expects the test to ‘measure zero.’”

As The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported last year, U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee’s Third Congressional District reportedly said last year the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and nearby federal facilities would receive the highest dollar amount ever.

“Fleischmann said the entire Oak Ridge reservation, including ORNL, the Y-12 National Security Complex and the East Tennessee Technology Park, typically receives about $3 billion annually,” according to The Times Free Press.

“With passage of the new spending package, that figure jumps to more than $4.5 billion,” he said.

According to last year’s Knoxville News Sentinel, the laboratory’s Office of Science got a 16 percent funding increase.

At the time, U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee praised the expenditure.

“The government funding bill…demonstrates the importance that Congress attaches to the hard work of thousands of men and women who work in Oak Ridge and the importance of that to our national security and our high standard of living,” Alexander reportedly said.

“Tennesseans know that innovative energy research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory means thousands of high-tech jobs for our state and higher family incomes.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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3 Thoughts to “Taxpayer-Funded Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reportedly Seeks Access to Parallel Universe”

  1. Aldis Ozols

    Experiments that seemed pointless at the time gave us some important scientific discoveries. I doubt that using a piece of equipment that already exists for a few hours will break the national budget.

  2. Andy

    And when they do it, they’ll time-jump back to 1984 as well…

  3. Cannoneer2

    Let Oak Ridge deal with the science, and you deal with the poly-ticks… how about that??
